What Truly Comprises A Song, Album, Or Artist?

This is a thinkpiece that stemmed from my very recent review of Aaron Watson’s Vaquero. In that review I stated that many people will be quick to criticize the lyrical content for being very basic and rarely ever transcending beyond either love songs or nostalgic songs. I also asked a question in response to that – are the lyrics really even the most essential part of an Aaron Watson record? Especially one where he more than compensated for it by expanding his sound?

It’s a hard question to answer clearly, but it also got me thinking, what are the elements that comprise an artist, song, or album? More importantly, are there are elements that are more an important for an artist to hammer down on as opposed to others? Also, does one need a mastery of every single element to truly be a great artist? I thought about these questions, and today I’m going to try and give you all MY viewpoint. Again, MY viewpoint, not yours, MINE.

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It’s Impossible (For Me) To Be A Music “Critic”

You know, the more I think about what I want this blog to grow and evolve into, the more I stumble upon more questions rather answers. It’s like Cody Jinks once said, “the more I know the more I know that I don’t know”. Like Cody, I do know one thing, even if that one thing is different than his.

I’m not going to be a music “critic”

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